Tuesday, November 30, 2010

ending the semester with a bang

both my strips' last times publishing for the semester.

always giving it 100% for the ydn.

this was actually in The Game issue last week. we are super creative with our tshirts here in the ivy league.

Monday, November 22, 2010

game herald

for an article on restaurant week, an event in new haven where dinner is supposed to be cheaper but it's actually kind of a rip off.

for an article about a legal dispute about police profiling and discrimination going on in East Haven. yale law got involved too.

THE GAME: a time where harvard kids and yale kids get together, get trashed, then watch football, but mostly get trashed.

a DS for the cover. it was disappointing that the laser eyes did not come out very well in the print version but you win some you lose some.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

all the way across the sky

oh theodore

for an article on the history/expansion of yale's women, gender, and sexuality studies department

for an article on my role models, willow and jaden smith

haha i'm so punny

Friday, November 12, 2010

poet dogs

cover and graphics for this week's cover story on the Yale Series of Younger Poets

Sunday, November 7, 2010

another week another herald


for an article on learning disabilities

for the cover story, on lgbt recruiting programs in consulting

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

black and blue

a cover i did last-minute for the herald last week, for a story on being black at yale. can't take credit for the great idea (that should go to one of my fellow editors) but i did execute it.

late 'n lazy

a herald illustration for an article on insane clown posse, of miracles fame

i don't think this one ended up being run, but it was originally a herald illustration for an article on for a student political group called snap pac

click to fullview. it's late now, but maybe next year? (when all the pop culture references are obsolete?)

and now for a few ydn comics